Educational platform - Rodo w kilka chwil
Since 2018 all entities: offices, companies, organizations, etc. have been obliged to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A number of obligations have been introdused, including development of appropriate documentation, defining of procedures, informing procedures, etc.
In addition, every employer is required to train their employees in data protection – especially personal. This requirement imposes on companies a number of organizational activities that generate costs. In addition, a rather complicated issue is a cognitive barrier for recipients – employees, which translates into low efficiency in knowledge transfer.

Educational platform - as a solution.
In connection with the above described challenge, based on the company’s experience in cooperation with experts in the area and competences in developing a tool for GDPR, a Course on basic issues of Personal Data Protection – ‘GDPR in a few moments’ has been compiled. The GDPR in a few moments is embedded on the on-line Platform, where the most important issues of the GDPR are included in the picture form and detailed descriptions. At the end of the Course, each participant is supposed to answer a few check questions, after which they receive a Diploma of completion. It has also been developed a functionality enabling the employer to invite co-employees to the Course, which is a form of organizing the Course (on-line). To increase the level of knowledge absorption, the course was prepared in the form of an original Comic.
"An image is worth more than a thousand words"

Effects and resulting benefits for the employer.
The employer has the option of organizing the Course (on-line) concerning the GDPR, and thus meets the requirements of the law, with low financial outlays, as well as using the active invitation of co-employees and reporting function meets the need for accountability for the conducted training.
In addition, the form of the Course increases the level of memorizing, because – Research shows that the most effective form of knowledge transfer are images.